RV Black Tank Cleaning is simple and inexpensive by using the Geo Method. It involves using a combination of Calgon water softener and laundry detergent.
Here’s what you’ll need to preform your RV Black Tank Cleaning:
- 1 capful Calgon water softener
- 1 capful laundry detergent
- Water
- Fill the toilet bowl with water
- Add 1 capful of Calgon water softener to the black tank.
- Add 1 capful of laundry detergent to the black tank.
- Flush toilet allowing all contents to drain into tank.
- Drive to your next destination and dump

The Calgon water softener coats the side of the tank, making it slicker, which can aid in debris and waste not sticking to the sides. The laundry detergent helps to clean and deodorize the tank.
You can use the GEO Method as often as needed to keep your black tanks clean and smelling fresh. It’s a safe and effective way to maintain your RV’s waste disposal system.
Here are some additional tips for using the GEO Method:
- Use the cheapest laundry detergent you can find. The detergent is not as important as the Calgon water softener.
- Use a strong-smelling laundry detergent. This will help to mask any odors.
- Let the mixture sit for at least 30 minutes. This will give the Calgon water softener and laundry detergent time to work their magic.
- Flush the tank thoroughly with water. This will remove any leftover detergent and waste.
By following these tips, you can keep your RV black tanks clean and smelling fresh with the GEO Method.
Here are some other things you can do to prevent odor and clogs in your RV black tank:
- Dump and flush your tanks regularly.
- Use more water while flushing. Water is your friend for keeping down smells.
- Always keep your black tank valve shut never leave open while camping.
- These steps will also “help” in keeping your sensors to read correctly.
By following these tips, you can keep your RV black tank clean and smelling fresh, so you can enjoy your RVing adventures without worrying about odor.

“Don’t let the FEAR of the UNKOWN stop you from RVing. Get out and get started…TODAY! “~FindUsCamping
Jimmy and Lisa are full-time RVers who travel the country in their 2024 Chevrolet 3500 Dually High Country and 2022 Keystone Fuzion 428. They use their Truck and RV as the home of the Mobile Display Unit (MDU), which they use to video their adventures and share them on their popular YouTube channel. Jimmy and Lisa also host an annual RV crawl, where they travel to different RV destinations with other RVers and meet up with their Villagers at FindUsCamping Campouts.