Are you new to RVing and wondering what is the easiest way to hookup water to an rv? Or, what do I need to set up the water in my RV?
In this this video Finduscamping shows you The EASIEST Way to hookup Water To An RV!! Maybe your dealership went through everything so fast that you forgot some steps or maybe you purchased your RV from an individual and they didn’t show you how, or maybe you think there must be an easier way than the way I’m doing it.
Today we will share with you how we hookup water on our Keystone Fuzion 427. Of course we aren’t professionals so maybe there is an easier way still but we think this is the easiest way to hookup water to an rv. In this video we will show you just how we do it and the products we use to get it done, keep in mind the RV water pressure regulator and RV water filter aren’t “necessities” however we do recommend them, cause who wants a water leak and do you know what’s in the water???
We also love the Zero-G water hose because it takes up so little space and doesn’t kink!

Jimmy & Lisa travel in their 2019 Keystone Fuzion 427. While not quite ready to sell everything and hit the road, they are closer to full time than weekend warriors. Jimmy & Lisa try to video everything they do while RV’ing around the country and publish it on their YouTube Channel.