How to Save Water While Boondocking
Boondocking is a great way to experience the great outdoors and get away from it all. But it can also be challenging, especially when it comes to conserving water. Here are a few tips to help you save water while boondocking:
- Install low-flow fixtures. One of the easiest ways to save water is to install low-flow fixtures in your RV. These fixtures use less water without sacrificing performance. You can find low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets at most RV dealerships.
- Take shorter showers. Showers are one of the biggest water users in an RV. To save water, take shorter showers and turn off the water when you’re not lathering or rinsing.
- Collect gray water. Gray water is the water that comes from your sink and shower. You can collect this water and use it to flush your toilet or water your plants.
- Use a composting toilet. Composting toilets don’t use any water. They’re a great option for boondockers who want to save water and reduce their environmental impact.
- Be mindful of your water usage. The best way to save water is to be mindful of how you’re using it. When you brush your teeth, wash your dishes, or do laundry, think about how you can reduce your water usage.
By following these tips, you can save water and extend your boondocking trip.

Additional Tips
Here are a few additional tips to help you save water while boondocking:
- Bring a water filter so you can drink water from natural sources, such as rivers and streams.
- Wash your clothes by hand in a bucket or basin.
- Use a portable water tank to store water for your needs.
- Be aware of the weather forecast and plan accordingly. If it’s going to be hot, you’ll need to use more water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.
- If you’re boondocking with other people, work together to conserve water.
With a little planning and effort, you can easily save water while boondocking and enjoy your trip without worrying about running out of water.
A really cool place to Boondock
If you’re looking for a unique and unforgettable camping experience, boondocking at Magnolia Beach in Texas is the perfect option for you. Magnolia Beach is a small town located on the Gulf Coast, about an hour and a half from Houston. The town is known for its beautiful beaches, uncrowded campsites, and friendly locals.

Jimmy and Lisa travel full-time across the country in their 2022 Keystone Fuzion 428. They visit campgrounds and organize rallies, where they set up their Mobile Display Unit (MDU). Visitors can learn about Jimmy and Lisa’s travels, watch videos of their experiences, and even purchase merchandise.